Friday 18 January 2013

I'm on my way!

I spent last night getting organized. I sorted through my 30-day box of Isagenix goodies and planning my program.

I opted to start today, to take advantage of the momentum I'm feeling and get right to it. Especially since I tend to have some trouble sticking to a plan, I knew that organization was my key to commitment.

I did my measurements last night. And it's not pretty. Actually, it was rather depressing. But, I'm doing this for change. As you can see...change is needed!

Weight - 178.8 lbs

All other measurements are in inches
Neck - 14
Upper arm L - 12
Upper arm R - 12.5
Chest - 42.5
Diaphragm - 37
Waist - 40
Abdomen - 43
Buttocks - 44
Upper thigh L - 26
Upper thigh R - 26.5
Calf L - 16
Calf R - 16
Upper knee L - 17.5
Upper knee R - 17.5

So...I'm basically a cylinder! LOL! I've never been one of those curvy girls...even when I was in university and a skinny wee thing. But looking at these numbers last night had me just shaking my head. What the heck have I been thinking?

I started my day with a shot of the Ionix Supreme (I opted for the liquid) and 16 oz of water. I will admit that I stood in my kitchen and stared at the thick greenish liquid for a good 2 minutes before I found the courage to suck it back. I have no idea why that first step was so hard for me. I've definitely had alcohol shots that were much nastier...the prairie fire comes to mind, for instance. It was actually kinda fruity...not nearly as yucky as I had imagined!

And then on my way into work I had my first IsaLean Shake. It totally shocked me!!! YUMMY! I wasn't expecting it to taste that good. I mean, I'm doing this for my health and to lose weight, the shake should not logically taste like I'm having a chocolate milkshake at 7:30am, right??? I'm glad to be wrong about that! ( and I don't say that very often!)

Today I'm planning to have my meal of the day at lunch and then tonight I'll have my second shake for dinner. I'm hosting an in-home jewellery party tonight, so I'll likely have a little snack at the party, but hosting should keep me busy and chatting instead of stuffing my face!

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