Thursday 7 March 2013

I'm a lucky girl!

I'm so proud of my husband!

He's about two weeks into his first 30-day program....and he's down 9 lbs and 10 inches!!!! Amazing!

He tried on a shirt for work this morning and had to change because it was just too big!!! Woot!

And not only is he also so happy for me and the results I'm having....he's 100% supportive of me working to help others reach their goals too!

Through all of this excitement and change....he's also been renovating our main bathroom! Like "tore it out completely and re-built it" renovating!!! I can't wait to see it all close! :)

I certainly am blessed to have such an understanding and motivating partner!

Sunday 3 March 2013

A splendid shopping trip!

We've had another crazy week, but this morning after taking my son to soccer practice, I had a little time to get to the mall.

I have an awards ceremony for work this week, so I was hoping to find something to wear.

Well, not only did I get a dynamite deal on a deep purple satin pencil skirt....but I bought it in TWO sizes smaller than I would have needed to buy only 45 days ago.

I was stunned.

I had a few tears in the change room.

I'm just feeling so blessed. I have loads of energy...I feel great...and every time I turn around, someone I care about is asking my about how Isagenix can help them too.

This is just the beginning of amazing things ahead.

And I can't wait!